Znanstveni kolokvij, Zagreb, 28. rujna 2018.
Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti i Odsjek za komparativnu književnost Filozofskoga fakulteta Sveučilišta u Zagrebu
Uz potporu Ministarstva znanosti i obrazovanja Republike Hrvatske
Ovid of Hvar

Ovid of Hvar

Autor: Tonko Maroević
Autor institution: Hrvatska akademija znanosti i umjetnosti


The fact that the first Croatian translations of Ovid emerged in the 16th century on the island of Hvar justifies the comparative analysis of the reasons for their emergence and reach. It is curious that Hanibal Lucić decided to translate the heroic poem Pariž Eleni (Paris to Helen), inspired by specifically love themes, while Petar Hektorović translated the poem Od lika ljubenoga (Remedia amoris), of strongly anti-erotic character (in searching for the “cure” for love). Already in his famous speech Pribojević emphasized Hektorović’s translation as successful and faithful, and I already analyzed some of its traits in my earlier research, while here I intend to deal more specifically with the traits of Lucić’s translation, especially in relation to Ovid’s original verses. On the level of translation both Lucić and Hektorović display the extent to which their ideas and aesthetics are polarized.

Organizacijski odbor: prof. emerit. Vinko Grubišić, akademkinja Dubravka Oraić Tolić, akademik Pavao Pavličić, akademik Boris Senker, prof. dr. Cvijeta Pavlović